Retest Package (Light Support)
- HTMA test
- Full interpretation report
- Personalised diet, lifestyle & supplement suggestions
- 50 minute consultation to review your care programme
- Light email support
Optional DNA Wellness Upgrade
Take your MNB package to the next level with a DNA Wellness upgrade. More details below.
Full Details
Check your progress. Hair test and programme with email support to get your questions answered. This package provides support through 3-4 months of mineral nutritional balancing.
You’ll post your hair sample off to the lab and they’ll email the results directly to me. I’ll then review the results, complete your interpretation report and personalised care programme, and email these to you.
We’ll have a 50 minute consultation to discuss your hair test results, interpretation, and personalised care programme, with time for all your questions.
You’ll also be able to email me over the next few months with any quick questions you have.
If you want extra support, you can book a check in at any time on the Add Ons page.
DNA Wellness Upgrade for MNB Clients
- Pure Genomics account and access to online platform
- Updated MNB programme to incorporate DNA insights
This package is for mineral nutritional balancing clients who want to take their programme to the next level. Incorporating knowledge of your own genetic blueprint into your MNB programme will allow you to completely personalise your programme, remove the element of trial and error with certain supplements, and may reduce the impact of healing reactions.
You’ll post your saliva sample off to the lab and they’ll email the results directly to me. I’ll then review the results, update your personalised report and care programme, and email these to you.
You’ll be able to incorporate the new knowledge of your genetic blueprint into your health programme for optimal results going forward.
*Please note that you need to get your DNA tested through one of the following websites:
- 23andme.com
- ancestry.com
- Puregenomics.co.uk (coming soon)
Any of their DNA testing products will be sufficient for our purposes. Pure Genomics has the fastest turnaround times, while ancestry.com has the longest.