What is DNA Wellness?
DNA Wellness is a service that allows you to take your health to the next level with genetic testing.
How Does Our DNA Affect Health?
We’re all familiar with genetic traits that we inherit from our parents, like eye colour or blood group. These genetic traits are encoded in our DNA, the ‘instruction manual’ that our body uses to function. In recent years, DNA
research has identified a range of genetic traits that affect our health. Our genes determine how efficient our bodies are at carrying out certain biochemical processes, processes that are fundamental for health.
Why is This Important?
Some of the genetic variations recently identified can be influenced by diet and lifestyle.
You cannot change your genes, but you can influence how much they affect you.
You cannot change your genes,
but you can influence how
much they affect you.
Whilst no one is claiming to have found a cure for serious inherited conditions, researchers have identified nutrients and lifestyle factors that influence how our genes affect our basic day to day functioning.
We can use this knowledge to tip the balance in our favour for health optimisation using simple diet and lifestyle suggestions, eg ensuring you’re reaching basic nutrient intakes and using supplements where necessary.
How Does it Work?
You’ll post off a saliva sample to get your DNA tested and I’ll send you an invite to enter the results into our DNA analysis software from Pure Genomics.
Using the Pure Genomics data, I’ll create a programme personalised to your own DNA, almost like your own personal user manual to living your best life!
Combine DNA Wellness with MNB
DNA Wellness packages can be combined with MNB packages. While DNA Wellness provides you with a ‘user manual’ tailored to your DNA for optimal maintenance, MNB is like going into the
garage for a service to check everything’s ok under the hood. The two compliment each other perfectly. You can upgrade your package on the Add Ons page.