About Mother of the Woods
Let me support you on your healing journey and inspire you with my
unshakeable faith in the healing power of the human body.

My Passion
It was watching my grandfather suffer from heart disease for years that first sparked my interest in health. As a psychology undergraduate I spent hours researching the health problems that plagued my family and came to the shocking realisation that many of today’s health conditions are preventable if only people have access to the right information.
A few years later, after developing my own chronic health issues, I returned to my passion for health, specifically my interest in nutrition, and studied to become a Nutritional Therapist. Sadly, practising as a nutritional therapist frustrated me, although I couldn’t put my finger on why. My clients were improving but not realising the kind of results I dreamed of for them and the same was reflected in my own health. I felt like I was fighting fires rather than dealing with the bigger, underlying issues.
Fast forward to my discovery of Mineral Nutritional Balancing, which I find extremely rewarding as it is focused on helping clients make sustainable healthy changes in their lives. My long term interest in natural hygiene and ancestral health made mineral nutritional balancing an obvious choice. This is a gentle but comprehensive therapy that helps you to provide the right conditions for your body to maintain homeostasis and optimise health.
My Approach
Through the challenges of my own ill health I have developed a great deal of compassion for others who are also suffering. As your mineral balancing practitioner, I offer you the knowledge you need to feel like you’re back in control of your health, company on your healing journey, and support through the tough times. I hope also to inspire you with my unshakeable faith in the healing power of the human body.
I believe in meeting people where they’re at. Let’s do away with punishing ideas of diets and detox – becoming slaves to unattainable standards of health is no way to live. This is your journey and you choose your path – let’s find a way to make this achievable, sustainable, and dare I say, enjoyable!
In my quest to hone my skills as a practitioner, I work closely with my mentor and supervisor, Susan Cachay (B Ed, MC, RNCP, MNBP), a kind, empathic, and experienced practitioner who trained directly with Dr L Wilson, student of Dr Paul Eck, the inspirational father of mineral nutritional balancing. Find out more about Susan.

Lia de Lancey
Mother of the Woods (Blackthorn Tree)
There is a special significance to the choice of name for my mineral nutritional balancing practice.
Native to the rolling hills of Nottinghamshire where I grew up, the blackthorn tree provides sanctuary for wildlife and birds nest amongst its protective thorns. It grows in dense thickets that provide protection for other trees as they grow, a fitting analogy for my role in supporting you on your healing path.
The blackthorn is a dark and gnarly tree during winter that transforms into a brilliant beauty at the first signs of spring, positively bursting with plentiful white blossom. This innate duality represents balance in life, light and dark, sickness and health, yin and yang. Its thorns symbolise challenges in life and its pretty white flowers the abundant rewards.
This tree represents overcoming adversity and the transformative power of turning pain into transcendence. Blackthorn prompts us to enter a deep healing space, examine our mindset, cast off the habits that no longer serve us, and emerge renewed and invigorated.
In the Celtic Tree Alphabet, blackthorn is associated with the Ogham rune ‘straif’, which means ‘sulphur’. Sulphur is a fiery and transformative mineral, fundamental to life and abundant in the human body, which plays a central role in removing toxins.
As you learn about mineral nutritional balancing, you’ll understand the significance of this special tree.

Lia de Lancey